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            陳裕明 教授




            2004.1-2005.1 博士后研究員,香港中文大學社區及家庭醫學系,營養流行病學方向。
            1999.1-2003.7 博士研究生/副研究員. 香港中文大學社區及家庭醫學系,營養流行病學方向。
            1988.9-1991.7 碩士研究生,同濟醫科大學營養與食品衛生系。
            1983.9-1988.7 本科生, 湖南醫科大學預防醫學系。
            2008.12-至今. 教授,中山大學公共衛生學院醫學統計與流行病學系。
            2009.1-至今 Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Public Health &Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong。
            2004.4-2008.12 副教授,中山大學公共衛生學院醫學統計與流行病學系。
            2003.7-2004.4 講師,中山大學醫學統計與流行病學系。
            1994.10-2003.7 講師,中山(醫科)大學營養系/營養與食品衛生學教研室。
            1991.7-1994.9 助教, 中山醫科大學營養與食品衛生學教研室。
            4.廣州市預防醫學會委員會委員[1] 。
            1. Dai XW, Zhang B, Wang P, ChenCG, Chen YM* (陳裕明,下同), Su YX. Erythrocyte membrane n-3 fatty acid levels and carotidatherosclerosis in Chinese. Atherosclerosis232 (2014) 79-85. (IF 3.7)
            2. Zeng FF, Wu BH, Fan F, Xie HL,Xue WQ, Zhu HL, Chen YM*. Dietarypatterns and the risk of hip fractures in elderly Chinese: a matchedcase-control study.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jun;98(6):2347-55.doi: 10.1210. (IF 6.43)
            3. Zeng FF, Xu CH, Liu YT, Fan YY,Lin XL, Lu YK, Zhang CX, ChenYM*.Choline and betaine intakes are associatedwith reduced risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in adults: a case-control study. Br JCancer. 2013 Oct 29. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.686. (IF 5.08)
            4. Liu YT, Fan YY, Xu CH, Lin XL,Lu YK, Zhang XL, Zhang CX, ChenYM*. Habitual consumption of soy products and risk ofnasopharyngeal carcinoma in chinese adults: a case-control study.PLoS One. 2013 Oct 14;8(10):e77822. doi: 10.1371. (IF 3.73)
            5. Liu J, Zeng FF, Liu ZM, ZhangCX, Ling WH, Chen YM*. Effectsof blood triglycerides on cardiovascular and all-cause mortality:a systematic review and meta-analysis of 61 prospective studies.Lipids Health Dis. 2013 Oct 29;12(1):159. (IF 2.04)
            6. Zhang ZQ, Liu YH, Xu Y, Dai XW,Ling WH, Su YX, Chen YM*. Thevalidity of the Body Adiposity Index in predicting percentage body fat andcardiovascular risk factors among Chinese.Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2013 Oct 17. doi: 10.1111/cen.12351. (IF 3.39)
            7. Zhang ZQ, Deng J, He LP, LingWH, Su YX, Chen YM*. Comparisonof various anthropometric and body fat indices in identifying cardiometabolicdisturbances in Chinese men and women.PLoS One. 2013Aug 12;8(8):e70893. doi: 10.1371. (IF 3.73)
            8. Xie HL, Ouyang WF, Wu BH, TuSL, Xue WQ, Fan F, Chen YM*.A case-control study regarding tea consumption and risk of hip fracturesin middle-aged and elderly Chinese.Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi. 2013
            9. Zeng FF, Fan F, Xue WQ, Xie HL,Wu BH, Tu SL, Ouyang WF, ChenYM*. The association of red meat, poultry, and egg consumptionwith risk of hip fractures in elderly Chinese: a case-control study.BONE. 2013Oct;56(2):242-8. doi: 10.1016. (IF 3.8)
            10. Zhang ZQ, Ho SC, Chen ZQ, Zhang CX, Chen YM*. Referencevalues of bone mineral density and prevalence of osteoporosis in Chineseadults.OsteoporosInt. 2013 Jun 26. (IF 4.04)
            11. Liu YH, Xu Y, Wen YB, Guan K, Ling WH, He LP, Su YX, Chen YM*. Associationof weight-adjusted body fat and fat distribution with bone mineral density inmiddle-aged chinese adults: a cross-sectional study.PLoS One. 2013May 20;8(5):e63339. doi: 10.1371. (IF 3.73)
            12. Xie HL, Wu BH, Xue WQ, HeMG, Fan F, Ouyang WF, Tu SL, Zhu HL, ChenYM*. Greater intake of fruit and vegetables is associated with alower risk of osteoporotic hip fractures in elderly Chinese: a 1:1 matchedcase-control study.Osteoporos Int. 2013 May 15. (IF 4.04)
            13. Fan F, Xue WQ, Wu BH, He MG, Xie HL, Ouyang WF, Tu SL, Chen YM*. Higherfish intake is associated with a lower risk of hip fractures in Chinese men andwomen: a matched case-control study.PLoS One.2013;8(2):e56849. doi: 10.1371. (IF 3.73)
            14. Wang P, Chen YM*,He LP, Chen CG, Zhang B, Xue WQ, Su YX. Association ofnatural intake of dietary plant sterols with carotid intima-media thickness andblood lipids in Chinese adults: a cross-section study.PLoS One.2012;7(3):e32736. doi: 10.1371. (IF 3.73)
            15. Li JJ, Huang ZW, Wang RQ, Ma XM, Zhang ZQ, Liu Z, Chen YM*, Su YX. Fruit andvegetable intake and bone mass in Chinese adolescents, young and postmenopausalwomen.PublicHealth Nutr. 2013 Jan;16(1):78-86. (IF2.25)
            16. Liu YT, Dai JJ, Xu CH, Lu YK, Fan YY, Zhang XL, Zhang CX, Chen YM*. Greaterintake of fruit and vegetables is associated with lower risk of nasopharyngealcarcinoma in Chinese adults: a case-control study.Cancer Causes Control. 2012 Apr;23(4):589-99. (IF 3.2)
            17. Ye YB, Wang ZL, Zhuo SY, Lu W, Liao HF, Verbruggen M, Fang S, Mai HY, Chen YM*, Su YX. Soy germisoflavones improve menopausal symptoms but have no effect on blood lipids inearly postmenopausal Chinese women: a randomized placebo-controlled trial.Menopause. 2012 Jul;19(7):791-8. doi: 10.1097/gme.0b013e31823dbeda. (IF 3.16)
            18. Xue WQ, Deng J, Li JJ, Liu J, He LP, Chen ZQ, Chen YM*. Associationbetween risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis inpostmenopausal Chinese women.Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi. 2011Jun;32(6):554-8. Chinese.
            19. Zhang B, Wang P, Chen CG, He QQ, Zhuo SY, Chen YM*, Su YX. Validationof an FFQ to estimate the intake of fatty acids using erythrocyte membranefatty acids and multiple 3d dietary records.Public Health Nutr. 2010Oct;13(10):1546-52. (IF2.25)
            20. Chen YM, Ho SC*, Lam SS, Ho SS, Woo JL. Soyisoflavones have a favorable effect on bone loss in Chinese postmenopausalwomen with lower bone mass: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial.Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2003 Oct; 88(10):4740-4747.(IF 6.3) (Times Cited: 73)
            21. Ho SC*, Chen YM, Woo JLF.Educational level and osteoporosis risk in postmenopausal Chinese women. AmericanJournal of Epidemiology 2005;161(7):680-90. (IF 5.3) (Times Cited: 10)
            22. Ho SC*, Chen YM, Woo JLF, Lam SS.High habitual calcium intake attenuates bone loss in early postmenopausalChinese women: an 18-month follow-up study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology& Metabolism 2004; 89(5):2166-70. (IF 6.3) (Times Cited: 11)
            23. Chen YM, Ho SC*,Lam SS. Higher sea fish intake is associated greater bonemass and lower osteoporosis risk in postmenopausal Chinese women. OsteoporosisInternational. 2009 Aug 6. [Epub ahead of print] (F4.3)
            24. Li X, He GP, Zhang B, Chen YM*, Su YX*. Interactions of interleukin-6gene polymorphisms with calcium intake and physical activity on bone mass inChinese pre-menarche girls. Osteoporosis International 2008 Nov;19(11):1629-37. (IF4.3)
            25. Wang CL, Tang XY, Chen WQ, SuYX, Zhang CX, Chen YM*. Associationof Estrogen Receptor a Gene Polymorphisms with Bone Mineral Density in Chinese Women: AMeta-Analysis. Osteoporosis International 2007;18(3):295-305 (IF 4.3) (TimesCited: 6)
            26. Liu J, Ho SC, Su YX, Chen WQ, ZhangCX, Chen YM *. Effect of long-termintervention of soy isoflavones on bone mineral density in women: Ameta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Bone 2009 May;44(5):948-53. (IF4.1) (Times Cited: 4)
            27. Chen YM, Ho SC*. Lam SSH, Ho SSS, Woo JLF. Beneficial effect of soy isoflavones onbone mineral content was modified by years since menopause, body weight, andcalcium intake: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Menopause 2004;11(3): 246-254. (IF 3.7) (Times Cited: 24)
            28. Chen YM, Teucher B, Tang XY, Dainty JR, Lee KK,Woo JL, Ho SC*. Calcium Absorption in PostmenopausalChinese Women: A Randomized Crossover Intervention Study. British Journal ofNutrition 2007;97(1):160-6. (IF 2.8) (Times Cited: 2)
            29. Chen YM, Ho SC*, Woo JLF. Greater fruit andvegetable intake is associated with increased bone mass among postmenopausalChinese women. British Journal of Nutrition 2006; 96(4):745-51 (IF 2.8) (Times Cited: 11)
            30. Liu Z, Qiu L, Chen YM *, Su YX *. Effect of milk andcalcium supplementation on bone density and bone turnover in pregnant Chinesewomen: a randomized controlled trai. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2010 Jan 1.
            31. Ho SC*,Chen YM, Woo JL, Leung SS,Lam TH, Janus ED. Sodium is the leading dietary factor associated with urinarycalcium excretion in Hong Kong Chinese adults. Osteoporosis International.2001; 12(9):723-31. (IF 4.3) (Times Cited: 9) (IF 4.3)
            32. Chen YM and Suzanne C. Ho. Fruit, Vegetables, andBone Health. In Ronald Ross Watson and Victor R. Preedy, editors: BioactiveFoods in Promoting Health, Oxford Academic Press, 2009; pp. 173-194. (Book Chapter)
            33. He LP, Tang XY, Ling WH, ChenWQ, Chen YM *. Early C-reactiveprotein in the prediction of long-term outcomes after acute coronary syndromes:a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Heart. 2010;96(5):339-346. (IF 5.0)
            34. Zhang B, Chen YM*, Huang LL, Zhou XX, Chen CG, Ye YB, Su YX*. Greaterhabitual soyfood consumption is associated with decreased carotid intima-mediathickness and better plasma lipids in Chinese middle-aged adults.Atherosclerosis 2008 June; 198(2): 403-411. (IF 4.6) (Timecited:3)
            35. Chen YM, Ho SC*, Lam SS, Chan SS. Validity of bodymass index and waist circumference in the classification of obesity as comparedto percent body fat in Chinese middle-aged women. International Journal of Obesity 2006; 30(6): 918-925. (IF 3.6) (TimesCited: 11)
            36. Wu JN, Ho SC, Zhou C, Ling WH,Chen WQ, Wang CL, Chen YM *. Coffeeconsumption and risk of coronary heart diseases: A meta-analysis of 21prospective cohort studies. Int J Cardiol. 2009; 137(3): 216-225 (IF3.1)
            37. Guo KP, Zhang B, Chen CG, Uchiyama S, Ueno T, Chen YM*, Su YX*. Daidzein-metabolizingphenotypes in relation to serum lipids and uric acid in adults in Guangzhou, China. BritishJournal of Nutrition. 2010, Jan; accepted (IF 2.8)
            38. Ho SC*, Chen YM, Woo JL, Leung SS,Lam TH, Janus ED. Association between simple anthropometric indices andcardiovascular risk factors. International Journal of Obesity. 2001 Nov;25(11):1689-97. (IF 3.6) (Times Cited: 70)
            39. Ho SC*,Chen YM, Ho SS, Woo JL. Soy isoflavone supplementation and fasting serum glucose and lipidprofile among postmenopausal Chinese women: A double-blind, randomized,placebo-controlled trial. Menopause. 2007; 14(5): 905-912. (IF 3.5)
            40 . Chen L, Chen YM, Wang LJ,Wei J, Tan YZ, Zhou JY, Yang Y, Chen YM, Ling WH, Zhu HL.Higher homocysteine and lower betaine increase the risk ofmicroangiopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus carrying the GG genotype ofPEMT G774C. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2013Nov;29(8):607-17. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.2432. (共同第一)
            41. 鄧娟, 曾壁強,陳裕明*,蘇宜香. 蔬菜、水果及大豆食物對高血脂病人血脂的影響. 營養學報. 2009; 31(5): 447-50, 455
            42 劉 靜,蘇宜香,鄧 娟,吳江南,陳裕明*. 大豆異黃酮干預對婦女骨密度影響的meta分析. 營養學報. 2008; 30(5):502-7 (10月)
            43. 熊莉華,王翠玲,陳宗遒,翁建平,陳維清,麥錦城,陳裕明*. 飲食偏好及行為對中小學生超重或肥胖影響的病例對照研究. 中華流行病學雜志 2008; 29(6): 561-5
            44. 陳裕明*,何麗萍,麥錦城,郝元濤,熊莉華,陳維清,吳江南. 兒童青少年生存質量普適性核心量表信度效度評價. 中華流行病學雜志 2008;29(6): 561-5.
            45. 吳江南,陳裕明*,王翠玲. 丙型、乙型肝炎病毒感染對原發性肝癌影響的薈萃分析. 中華肝臟病雜志 2007; 15(2):137-140.
            46. 唐新意,肖作源,李詠梅,朱順葉,牟一坤, 陳裕明*. 小于胎齡兒產科危險因素的病例對照研究. 中華流行病學雜志 2005;26(11):56-9.
            47. 陳裕明, 朱惠蓮, 王身笏等. 多酚對大鼠血脂及機體脂質過氧化作用的影響. 中國老年學雜志1998.04.20; 18(2): 100-102.
            48. 陳裕明, 朱惠蓮, 王身笏等. 魚翅海參營養液抗衰老和降血脂作用的實驗研究. 中國老年學雜志1996.06.20; 16(3): 178-180.
            49. 陳裕明, 周韞珍. 不同食用油對大鼠機體脂類與過氧化酯類含量的影響. 營養學報 1993; (3): 293-298.
            50. 周韞珍 陳裕明。棕櫚油對血脂和脂質過氧化作用的影響. 營養學報 1994.03.03; 16(1): 13-17.
            HoSCand,ChenYM.Nutrition and bone health in the Asian population. New SA and Bon jourJP.(Eds)NutritionalAspectsofBoneHealth.TheRoyalSocietyofChemistry,CamertonUK:2003;pp497-526。


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